Sep 5, 2023
Kerry and Collin take a look at "The Family Stone," staring Sarah Jessica Parker, Diane Keaton, Craig T. Nelson and an impressive assemblage of actors who make up a family (the Stone family! Get it?) that might be the most annoying family to have to marry into. Who is most worthy of the audience's sympathies in this film? Who is least deserving? How should one dress when meeting a partner's parents for the first time and why should you never so such a thing during Christmas? All this, plus a big ol' pile of blu-rays to look at from the month of August for the Blu-ray Gift Exchange.
Films covered in the Blu-ray Gift Exchange:
"Dim Sum: A Little Bit of Heart" (1985)
"Akira Kurosawa's Dreams" 4K (1990)
Warner Bros.:
Warner Archive:
"Father's Little Dividend" (1951)
"The Life of Emile Zola" (1937)
Sony Pictures:
"The Doris Day / Rock Hudson Collection"
Music Box Films: